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Assoc. Prof. Dr. Suraya Miskon

Suraya Miskon is a Senior Lecturer in Information Systems at Faculty of Management (FM), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor Bahru, Malaysia. She has a background in Computer Science majoring Information Systems and obtained her PhD from Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia in 2013. Recently she has been appointed as Director of Information Systems at FM. She teaches and conducts research in the field of Information Systems. She has published over 30 fully refereed articles in internationally recognised journals and conferences, and has contributed several chapters to published books. She earned Oracle Certified Associate Oracle Database 11g Administrator and Professional Technologist from Malaysia Board of Technologists (MBOT).

More about Suraya Miskon

Research Interest

Business intelligence and analytics, shared services, social network sites, health information systems, e-government/m-government and information systems planning.

Number of current supervisees

Availability of Supervision
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