”Dispose Your Medicine Safely – Buang Ubat Dengan Selamat: Educating the Young Minds”

The Marketing and Entrepreneurship Department at the Faculty of Management, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) successfully conducted a service learning programme with the school community, aimed at educating and raising awareness among the younger generation about the proper and safe disposal of medicines. Instilling these values from a young age is crucial for building a responsible and environmentally conscious society. 

The programme, “Buang Dengan Selamat” (Dispose Your Medicine Safely), was held on 10 December 2023 with 90 students from Standard 5 of SK TAMAN SURIA, Johor Bahru, Johor. It was led by Dr. Noraindah Abdullah Fahim and her 16 students from the Logistics Management course, Bachelor of Management (Marketing). The programme highlighted knowledge transfer activities such as the “Safe Disposal of Medicine” sharing session, quiz activities, and a 

safely handling and disposing of medicines, ultimately safeguarding public health.. Together, we are shaping a future where our young generation is not just informed, but empowered to make responsible choices for a healthier and safer community. 🌍💚

colouring competition. Responsible disposal of pills and medicines is part of reverse logistics, a key concept in sustainable supply chain management. The programme also aligns with the United Nations’ SDG 3, where proper disposal of medicines contributes to ensuring good health and wellbeing by preventing environmental pollution and health risks associated with improper disposal methods. It educates young minds on the importance of 

💊”Dispose Your Medicine Safely – Buang Ubat Dengan Selamat: Educating the Young Minds”

The Marketing and Entrepreneurship Department at the Faculty of Management, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) successfully conducted a service learning programme with the school community, aimed at educating and raising awareness among the younger generation about the proper and safe disposal of medicines. Instilling these values from a young age is crucial for building a responsible and environmentally conscious society. 

The programme, “Buang Ubat Dengan Selamat” (Dispose Your Medicine Safely), was held on 10 December 2023 with 90 students from Standard 5 of SK TAMAN SURIA, Johor Bahru, Johor. It was led by Dr. Noraindah Abdullah Fahim and her 16 students from the Logistics Management course, Bachelor of Management (Marketing). The programme highlighted knowledge transfer activities such as the “Safe Disposal of Medicine” sharing session, quiz activities, and a colouring competition.

Responsible disposal of pills and medicines is part of reverse logistics, a key concept in sustainable supply chain management. The programme also aligns with the United Nations’ SDG 3, where proper disposal of medicines contributes to ensuring good health and wellbeing by preventing environmental pollution and health risks associated with improper disposal methods. It educates young minds on the importance of safely handling and disposing of medicines, ultimately safeguarding public health.

Together, we are shaping a future where our young generation is not just informed, but empowered to make responsible choices for a healthier and safer community. 🌍💚

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