Accounting Professional Technological Competency Skill (APTCS) of Small and Medium Practitioners (SMPs) for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) Technology Adoption”
Project Aims
This project aims to identify barriers for accounting professional in technological competency skills acquisition and assessment of their current level in selected countries in the region, and to propose the technological competency skills needed for accounting professional to advocate SMEs technology adoption.
Time Duration and Amount
9 months (RM85,000)
What are the future developments for this project?
Research on the adoption of data analytics tools and artificial intelligence (AI) respectively, signalling the effectiveness of MIA’s advocacy for the profession’s digital transformation.
Industry/Project Partner
ASEAN Federation of Accountants
Impact of the Project
1. Accountants will need to re-skill to retain their emerging role as the gatekeeper of corporate data.
2. The profession must develop new ways to measure and value technology costs and benefits for the world of cloud computing and social networking.
3. Unless accountants embrace technology they will follow the dinosaur into extinction – individually and as a profession.
4. By 2020 audits may well be real-time. Regulators will conduct them automatically pulling data in from business systems and sensors embedded in everything – from stock to livestock and even human beings.
5. By 2025 all digital data will be available to the accounting profession.